
向上流动护理计划可获得应用科学副学士学位 并为毕业生做好准备 National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX-RN) 成为注册护士(RN).

这个向上流动护理计划是为了满足独特的学习需求而开发的 of the LVN/LPN. It is designed to provide sound educational experience, ensure competence 实现注册护士职业发展的LVN/LPN目标 level with minimal duplication of educational preparation.

Program Outcomes

  • 在实践范围内将专业关怀融入实践决策 注册护士.
  • 为不同群体的个体提供安全、称职、全面的护理 有复杂的医疗需求.
  • 对自己护理的有效性承担责任和问责 实践与专业成长.
  • 与客户,同行和其他跨学科成员有效沟通 health care team to provide evidence-based care.

Communication Skills
Social Responsibility
Patient Care

Career Information

Hospitals, Insurance companies, Case managers, Telehealth medicine, Flight nurse, Home health agencies, Vocational Nurse Educator, Community Healthcare Clinics. Long-Term 护理机构,医生办公室,管理职位,工业或职业健康 护士,旅行护士,学校护士.


Course Title SCH
PSYC 2314 Lifespan Growth & Development 3
RNSG 1300 生命周期健康评估 3
BIOL 2301 人体解剖学与生理学I(讲座) 3
BIOL 2101 人体解剖学与生理学I(实验室) 1
HECO 1322 Nutrition & Diet Therapy 3
SPCH 1315 Public Speaking 3
ENGL 1301 Composition I 3
PSYC 2301 心理学概论 3
First Semester
RNSG 1260 临床I -注册护士 2
RNSG 1424 Concept-based Transition to Professional Nursing Practice 3
RNSG 1228 卫生保健概念导论 2
BIOL 2302 人体解剖学与生理学II(讲座) 3
BIOL 2102 人体解剖学与生理学II(实验室) 1
RNSG 1118 Transition to Professional Nursing Competencies 1
Second Semester
BIOL 2320 微生物学(讲座) 3
BIOL 2120 Microbiology (lab) 1
RNSG 2361 临床II -注册护理 3
RNSG 1538 保健概念三 5
RNSG 1137 专业护理概念III 1
Third Semester
RNSG 2539 医疗保健概念四 5
RNSG 2138 专业护理概念四 1
RNSG 2362 临床III -注册护理 3
XXXX x3xx Humanities/Fine Arts 3
Total   60

Applicants must:

  • 有一个当前的,不受阻碍的职业或实用护理执照被录取 to the program.
  • 完成拉马尔州立大学波特分校的一般入学申请程序 Arthur.
  • 安排并参加HESI入学评估(A2)考试,并取得要求的最低分数 scores of:
    • 读数80%或更高
    • Anatomy & 生理70%或以上
    • 累计75%或以上.
  • Complete the Upward Mobility Nursing Program application packet and submit a legible application,并附上证明文件,于 August 27, 2025 deadline.

ADN 2026春季申请资料(PDF)


NCLEX-RN Pass Rates

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018
# of Students Passing 16 56 50 40 37 32
# of Students Testing 16 62 55 46 37 34
Passing % 100% 90.32% 90.91% 86.96% 100% 94.12%

The Upward Mobility LVN to Associate Degree Nursing Program is approved by the
1801 Congress Avenue
Suite 10-200
Austin, TX 78701

Lamar University

A student completing the 正规靠谱赌博软件 core curriculum is considered Core Complete.

学生可以攻读护理学学士学位或注册护士学位 获得护理学硕士学位.

What do RNs do?

注册护士(RNs)提供病人护理,并协调病人之间的护理 其他卫生保健学科. They also educate patients, families, and the public 如何管理疾病或伤害,并教他们在家里做什么作为他们的一部分 treatment plan. RNs often work as part of a team with physicians and other healthcare specialists. Depending upon where the nurse is employed they may oversee licensed practical nurses, nursing assistants, and home health aides.  

注册护士可以在许多专业领域工作,例如:物质 虐待护理、心血管护理、重症护理、新生儿护理、公共护理 Health nursing, Women’s Health nursing, and many other specialties.

What hours can I expect to work and how much will I make?

注册护士和其他卫生保健工作者一样,定期轮班工作8到12小时 周末和一些假期. New Registered Nurses are currently starting at $66,611 per year as base pay in the Golden Triangle area. 这取决于在哪里 你去上班和换班.

入学向上流动的最低要求是什么 (UM) LVN到RN程序?

要考虑进入UM计划,请提交HESI分数 最后一年,你的阅读理解成绩必须达到80%或以上,累积成绩必须达到75% score. Complete all prerequisites and academic corequisite courses before the start of the program and submit the completed application by the posted due date.


The UM Program is a selective admissions program. 目标是选出最合格的 applicants. Criteria that are considered in the admission process include academic 成就,经验和HESI分数. 申请人根据分数排名 on the Admission Rating Scale that is part of the UM Application Packet.



没有等候名单. Applicants who are not selected for admission may reapply 当申请流程再次打开时.


The nursing department will keep your application for one year. 然而,要考虑 对于下一节课,你必须提交一份新的申请,其中包括当前的(少于一个) year) contact information, work history, updated transcripts and HESI score. All documents must be current, meaning less than one year since submission. Applications with no 12个月的活动将被销毁.


The decision to repeat courses is up to the individual candidate.

How is the size of the admitting class determined?

一个班级可以录取的学生总数是由规定决定的 and regulations mandated by the 德州护理委员会. 管理班级规模的规则 规定:“录取的学生人数由学校决定。 合格教师的数量,充足的教育设施和资源,以及 availability of appropriate clinical learning experience for students." (TBON Rules & Regulations 215.8a)

在被录取之前,我可以学习学位计划中列出的非护理课程吗 the UM Program?

鼓励学生完成所有非护理的先决条件和共同条件 courses on the degree plan while waiting to be accepted into the UM program. Only 在申请截止日期前完成的学位计划课程将被考虑 在录取评定量表中. Applicants must update courses as they are completed.

If I am a transfer student, how do I know my classes/credits will transfer?

Courses taken in Texas should have the same reference number. 如需更多资料,请 请致电(409)984-6167或通过电子邮件@ nelsonhr@lamarpa与成绩单评估员联系.edu.

When is the application due date and when will I know if I am accepted?

向上流动(UM) LVN到RN计划于春季开始申请 在八月的最后一天到期.  These applicants will be notified by email after the application portal closes as to their application status (Accepted, Placed on 备选名单,或不合格).

什么时候开始上课?? How many days a week are we in class and clinical? Is each 每个学期都不一样?

The program admits new applicants each Spring semester. 这个项目已经进行了一年 长度,一旦进入程序. 上课时间通常是上午8点到3点 pm, and clinical hours vary dependent upon the semester. 第一学期是典型的 从早上6:30到下午12:30,第二学期通常是早上6:30到下午5:00, and the final semester are 12-hour clinical days and the shift may vary. Classroom ad clinical days typically fall Monday – Wednesday while in the program. The final semester in the program may have some variance on the clinical day.

C. Arceneaux, MSN, APRN, FNP-BC
UM Faculty
H. Breaux, MSN, RN
UM Faculty
D. Hare, DNP, RN
UM Faculty
M. James, MSN, RNC-OB
UM Lead Faculty

Y. Rangel, BSN
L. Ratcliff, MSN, RN

A. Reyes, BSN
M. Ross, MSN RN
UM Faculty
J. Stamey, MSN, RN
UM Adjunct Faculty

We encourage students to get involved in our Allied Health Society. This organization 将联合卫生部门的各种项目合并为一个整体 group. The group seeks to promote a positive image of our various programs but more 所以通过各种各样的志愿者机会来服务我们的社区 school year.

拉马尔州立大学亚瑟港向上流动ldn到注册护士护理计划将 2026年春季招收一批新学生. 该项目以校园为基础,周一开会 -周三参加一年的课程. 入学人数:任一学校录取的学生人数 class is governed by the requirements of the 德州护理委员会. 

制定计划录取评分量表是为了帮助客观选择 of the class. Applicants are ranked according to their score on the Program Admission Rating Scale. The goal of the Upward Mobility Nursing admission process is the selection 最优秀的申请者.

Lamar State College-Port Arthur is an open access institution. 

成功完成拉马尔州立学院-亚瑟港向上流动护理 Program does NOT 保证毕业生可以参加全国委员会执照考试 注册护士(NCLEX-RN). The 德州护理委员会, 1801 Congress Avenue, Suite 10-200 Austin, TX 78701,(512) 305-7400,已经确定了某些情况 可能导致潜在的候选人没有资格获得注册护士执照 the State of Texas.  The Board provides individuals the opportunity to petition the 根据第301条的规定,向委员会申请声明令.257 《护理实践法.

如果你被要求对以下任何一个问题回答“是”,你可能是 required to complete 申请宣告令的请愿书. 如果你有犯罪背景 检查显示任何类型的违法行为,你可能需要提交一份解释声明 事件发生的过程以及官方法庭文件显示 事件的处理. If the incident(s) requires further investigation 由德克萨斯州护理委员会,你将被要求提交一份审查费 申请宣告令的请愿书. This petition to the 德州护理委员会 may 需要4到12个月或更长时间来处理.

For any criminal offense, including those pending appeal, have you:

  1. 被判轻罪?
  2. 被判重罪?
  3. 无抗辩,无抗辩,或有罪?
  4. 收到延期裁决?
  5. 被置于社区监督或法院命令缓刑,无论是否判决 guilty?
  6. been sentenced to serve jail or prison time or court-ordered confinement?
  7. 被准予审前分流?
  8. been arrested or have any pending criminal charges?
  9. been cited or charged with any violation of the law?
  10. been subject of a court-martial; Article 15 violation; or received any form of military 判断/惩罚行动?

NOTE: You may only exclude Class C misdemeanor traffic violations.

要获得声明令请愿书的副本,请访问德克萨斯州护理委员会 (TBON) website at: http://www.bon.texas.gov/. On the TBON home page, click on "Forms" then under "Initial Licensure & Recognition “表格”点按“声明令”. 仔细阅读资料,下载 "Petition for Declaratory Order" form and follow the directions provided.


  1. Earn a "C" or better in ALL pre-requisite, co-requisite, and *nursing courses.
  2. 保持整体2.平均绩点0.
  3. 提交在线申请以完成全国委员会执照考试 for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®) and pay associated fees.
  4. 向Pearson Vue支付NCLEX-RN®费用.
  5. Submit 正规靠谱赌博软件 graduation application and pay associated fees.
  6. 参加并完成批准的NCLEX-RN®董事会审查课程才能毕业 充分准备服用NCLEX-RN®. Review course will be given in the final semester of the program.

*请注意,所有护理课程(RNSG)要求a的最低分数为75% grade of “C.”

For inquiries or additional information complete our 请求更多信息 form, call (409) 984-6356, or visit our offices in the 专职医疗大楼.


正规靠谱赌博软件's 年度保安及消防安全报告 是否符合珍妮克莱里披露校园安全政策的规定 and Campus Crime Statistics Act (20 USC § 1092(f), 34 CFR 668.46).




Two-Year Program


学生可以攻读护理学学士学位或注册护士学位 获得护理学硕士学位.



Contact 正规靠谱赌博软件
